Inside Approach Golf Swing Trainer
Golfers are sick and tired of hitting slices and seeing the ball sail into the row of houses lining the right-hand side of the golf course.
It’s no secret that one of the keys to hitting a draw is a swing path to the right (obviously, for a right handed golfer). The golf ball needs to start turning to the left, but golfers struggle to know how.
The Inside Approach Golf Swing Trainer— endorsed by the legend Jack Nicklaus– is a great start towards fixing your path and starting to hit solid, crisp, high-flying draws again. Let’s do this!

Perhaps part of your problem with your slice, is that you might know exactly what needs to be done, but you’re having trouble translating that to your swing and ultimately, the golf course.
The Inside Approach is designed to do exactly that.
In the essence of all great swing training aides, it is simplicity in a nutshell. No device that looks so pedestrian could ever yield results, could it? Wrong.
This simple little device sits conveniently in front of you while you practice, offering immediate feedback as to whether or not you were able to come into the golf ball with an inside approach. If you come over the top, you’re going to smoke the foam part of the aid. That’s bad news.
Get that club swinging from the inside, with a rounded circular motion.
Buy it here!
So many golfers do so much to fix a slice. They tinker with the grip, which has it’s benefits, but is only part of the issue. The work on their stance, which is again integral, but isn’t the main element of a slice. At the end of the day of practice, they leave the range frustrated.
Never again with the Inside Approach.
You will start coming into the golf ball from the inside and eliminate that slice from your game. What a welcomed feeling for the golfer who has burdened himself with a nagging slice.
Remember, this product is not only endorsed by the greatest golfer in history (along with numerous PGA professionals), but also a Golf Digest endorsed product. It’s a great product.
Now the complaints aren’t many, but there are a few to consider when using this tool. With all tools, they need to be properly used to yield results. What’s great about the package and the Inside Approach is the DVD it comes with, engineered to help you understand the true simplicity of this product.
The second complaint– and probably more serious of the two– lies in a partial oversight of the product.
It doesn’t look at the face of the club.
In order to hit those solid draws, having a path to the right (for RH players, again), only matters if a player has their corresponding club face to the left of the path. You can come into the ball from the inside, but without an accurate corresponding path, slices will start moving way, way, way right.
It’s important to understand that when using the product.
Another one of the great features of this product is that it is a universal product for all golfers. This means lefties, you’re welcome– you can use this product!
The Inside Approach looks simple enough, no? You could probably, if you’re a Mister DIY or handyman, could make something similar with the same effects. But we’re all busy and all have lives. Save the time building it and spend that time on the practice tee!
You’ll turn your game around.
The product can be purchased at In The Hole Golf here.
Consider the product and start turning those slices the other direction!
I purchased this device several years ago but have not used it as frequently as I need to. Since purchasing the device, I have misplaced the CD that came with it. How can I obtain another one?
Sorry, we do not carry the product. Have you tried reaching out to them directly?