What is Rotary Swing?

January 2, 2018

What is Rotary Swing?


If you’ve been actively looking for ways to improve your golf game, you’ve probably run into conflicting advice. A magazine article tells you one thing. An online video tells you another. Your buddy’s golf instructor told him that something you thought was a “fundamental” is actually a myth.

When it comes to golf, there are a wide variety of opinions, and sometimes even top experts can’t come to an agreement. This can be frustrating for any player who will happily put in the time to improve their swing, if only they knew how to use that time productively.

That frustration is what inspired Chuck Quinton to create Rotary Swing. He noticed that many instructors gave their students guidance based on the techniques that worked for themselves or for PGA Champions. The problem with this, according to Quinton, is that not all golfers are built the same. For this reason, he designed an online program to teach golfers fundamentals that apply to everyone.

Rotary Swing focuses on what Quinton calls “Anatomical Absolutes.” His instruction begins with looking at the muscles and joints – factors that are the same for every golfer. The goal is to share tips and techniques that are universally helpful. No matter your skill level or body type, Quinton says that the Rotary Golf Swing will work for you.

Of course, our job at USGolfTV is to make sure we know as much as we can about the products and services that could help you. So, as we look at a program like Rotary Swing, we have to ask: What are the reasoning and science behind Chuck’s approach? And is this course worth checking out?

The Team Behind Rotary Swing

One of the most important questions to ask of any instructional golf program is, “Who is this person and where does he get his information?”

Chuck Quinton would agree. In the early days of his career, he was relentless about vetting his own golf coaches. He wanted to move forward fast, and he didn’t want to lose time practicing a technique he learned from someone who didn’t know what they were talking about.

In that spirit, let’s get to know Chuck and his team.

Chuck Quinton is the founder and master instructor of Rotary Swing. He has helped students of all skill levels, from amateurs to players on the PGA Tour. He has also been featured as a guest on ESPN Sports Radio and local radio shows nationwide.

As an instructor, Quinton set out to gain a biomechanical understanding of golf. After all, science is where we find our absolutes.

Quinn arranged an advisory panel of scientists and medical professionals to help him develop the Rotary Golf Swing. The Rotary Swing team includes:

  • Biomechanist Jeffrey P. Broker, Ph.D. (who works closely with Olympic Sports),
  • Orthopedic surgeon Brian P. McKean, MD, and
  • Neurosurgeon Michael L. Wolak, Ph.D., MD, MS.

Now that we know who is behind Rotary Swing, let’s clarify what use the program might be to you.

The Idea Behind Rotary Swing

Rotary Swing sets out to address three key aspects of golf instruction:

  1. Golf swing physics, including club plane, swing path, and sequencing
  2. Proper use of the body, including ways to optimize power and avoid mistakes that cause injury
  3. Understanding of the brain and how to learn in a way that makes proper movement an ingrained habit

These elements may not seem that different from all the other courses you’ve considered.

However, Chuck Quinton’s instruction emphasizes kinesthetic learning over intellectual learning. You may be more accustomed to intellectual learning – that is, learning what you’re supposed to do. This includes the kind of tips that tell you what your stance should look like and the ideal position of your clubface at impact.

Kinesthetic learning, on the other hand, focuses on how you perform these tips. More specifically, Quinton’s technique emphasizes a deep understanding of how the muscles and joints move. He wants to help golfers understand how the perfect swing feels in their body. This is where those “Anatomical Absolutes” come in. If you don’t have the same build and natural movement as your favorite pro golfer, it doesn’t do you any good to replicate the look of their swing. However, you do have the same muscle and joint structure. And if you know how it feels to use those muscles and joints correctly, you can find your perfect golf swing.

Chuck Quinton’s research also includes an in-depth understanding how the brain learns new movement patterns. For this reason, he has structured Rotary Swing according to a “hierarchy of learning.” He is deeply methodical about the way he presents information, making sure students do not waste time learning a skill until they have the fundamental abilities they need to master it.

Now you know the philosophy behind Rotary Swing. What do you get when you sign up for this program?

What You Get

Rotary Swing is a subscription-based instructional program. There are two levels of membership: Free and Premium.

With a Free Membership, you have access to over 25 instructional videos. The most obvious benefit here, aside from free information, is that you have an opportunity to review Quinton’s instructional style for yourself.

Premium Membership costs somewhere between $14.95 and $19.97 per month, depending on how you choose to make your payments. This membership level comes with access to over 300 instructional videos. It also comes with a 30-day money back guarantee.

One particularly interesting benefit of Rotary Swing is the Self Analysis service. As a member, you can upload a video of your own golf swing, and within two business days, you receive a video swing analysis by email. This service is available to both Free and Premium Members. However, Rotary Swing Premium Members will also receive a list of suggested videos based on the needs of their golf swing.

Finally, Rotary Swing includes over 70 free golf instruction analyses of pro golfers’ swings. This may seem to contradict Chuck Quinton’s theory that you can’t just copy another golfer’s swing and call it good form. However, with over 70 analyses, this feature actually proves that not even the pros have identical swings. And if you can recognize your own body and physical tendencies in one of the pros, you may gain some useful insights into your individual swing.

The Short of It

To sum up:

Rotary Swing is an online instructional program created by Chuck Quinton under the advisement of a panel of scientists.

The goal of Rotary Swing is to guide golfers based on “Anatomical Absolutes.” The program takes an inside-out approach, beginning with safe and powerful muscle and join function to help learners improve their golf swing.

Chuck Quinn also emphasizes the importance of brain function in mastering the golf swing. His instruction style is methodically designed to help golfers build on their skills and ingrain new movement patterns.

Anyone can sign up for Rotary Swing for free and gain access to over 25 instructional videos and a personalized golf swing analysis. For a monthly subscription fee of $14.95 – $19.97, Premium Members can access more than 300 instructional videos. Paid membership comes with a 30-day money back guarantee.


What do you think? Does Rotary Swing interest you? Or have you already tried it?

Tell us all about your experience or share your questions in the comments section. We’d love to hear what you’re thinking, find out what you want to learn, and do whatever we can to help you play better golf!

1 Comment

  1. I was a Rotary Swing member for a several years before life got too busy and I wasn’t practicing so I let my membership lapse. I have found this program to be extremely helpful. I continue to be impressed by all the scientific/medical research that went into creating this program. I think Chuck’s insistence that weight shift and core rotation are the two key fundamentals is right on. His emphasis on instant feedback by using a mirror has helped me immensely. As someone has said, “The feel isn’t real” i.e. I may think/feel that I’m not reverse pivoting but the mirror instantaneously shows otherwise. His recent YouTube videos as he travels the country and helps folks show how much he can help someone in a short time.

    Several years ago my criticism would have been that his program is SO detailed that it’s possible to get lost in all of that. Now it looks like Chuck has addressed this by streamlining the process/web site. The details are all still there if you want them but it looks easier to follow. I went from shooting in the mid-high 90s to the mid-high 80s using Rotary Swing principles. I’m convinced that if I practice/play more, that average will come down even further.

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