April 2, 2015
04/02/2015 In teaching over 800 lessons every year, it’s really interesting the patterns that you see in golfers and what you learn about their…
April 1, 2015
04/01/2015 Golf is a hobby of most actors. Given what’s out there, let’s be thankful acting isn’t a hobby of most golfers. Part of…
March 23, 2015
03/23/2015 We’ve all played with them. Delusional golfers. You may have heard them in the clubhouse rambling on and on after another heartbreaking bad…
March 18, 2015
03/18/2015 I often have players tell me about their recent rounds, and I hear the same type of stories. It’s some variation of “it…
February 20, 2015
02/20/2015 Golfers are sick and tired of hitting slices and seeing the ball sail into the row of houses lining the right-hand side of…
February 16, 2015
02/16/2015 Golfers are always looking for a way to gain more distance off the tee. Recent studies have shown that a 90-shooter who increases…
February 1, 2015
**DISCLAIMER: We at USGolfTV are not affiliated with the Haney Blueprint or any of their products. This article is intended solely as a review.…
January 29, 2015
While the Big Bertha Woods have gained the headlines of recent due to their return, when it come to talking about clubs made by…
January 20, 2015
01/20/2015 Hank Haney’s name has flooded the golf industry recently. It started with his instruction of the world’s best player in Tiger Woods. Since…
January 5, 2015
01/05/2015 So you’re child has decided to try golf. What’s your next course of action? The first part of the golf parenting journey is…