How Close Should I Stand to the Golf Ball?

By Todd Kolb
August 11, 2021

How Close Should I Stand to the Golf Ball?

Hitting your driver can be one of the most enjoyable parts of golf. But there are some key parts of the setup that most amateur golfers never realize make a difference.

For example, have you ever asked yourself: “How close should I stand to the golf ball?”

In the tip below, PGA Professional Todd Kolb shows us how to guarantee how to get the right distance from the ball.

Note: the same process will work with your irons, just adjusting ball position as needed.

Let’s dive in and get you the perfect driver setup.

Tip 1 – Club Face

First, take the club and put it out in front of you, hands just above the belt line.  This will help you ensure the club face is nice and square.

A lot of amateur golfers have club face issues simply because the clubface is not square in the setup.  Putting the club in front of you before placing it on the ground next to your golf ball can help ensure a more square club face at address.

Tip 2 – Stance Width

Next, make sure that you have the proper stance width in your golf setup.  To do this, put your feet close together, straight out from the ball.

From here you want to take a tiny step with your lead foot and a longer step with your trail foot.  Your stance width should be shoulder width or slightly farther apart.

The short step toward the target with your lead foot and longer step with the trail foot should get your ball position just inside the lead foot. This ball position will help you hit up on the golf ball.

Tip 3 – Body Tilt at the Hips

Finally, tilt your body at the hip and simply lower the club down to the ground.   Now, the key here is that you are now allowing your body to dictate how close should I stand to the golf ball. Typically, most golfers just set up the club first behind the ball, then take their address position.

If your club hits the ground and is beyond the ball or short of the golf ball, simply start over.  This way you know you for sure you are the proper distance in your golf setup.

Bonus Tip #1 – Golf Swing Tempo

This driver swing tip is almost too easy, but I swear it just works.

I don’t have any scientific evidence to substantiate the claim, other than countless lessons with amateur golfers.

If you are having troubles with your golf swing tempo, simply take your golf setup like you normally would.  But instead of resting the club on the ground, hover it behind the ball.  Bearing the club weight before swinging gives us more natural, rhythmic tempo.

And as another benefit, I see a lot of amateurs improve their contact by hovering the club.

RECAP – How Close Should I Stand to the Golf Ball?

If you ever wondered “how close should I stand to the golf ball,” now you have your answer.  Simply hold the club in front of you, getting the club face square.  Separate the feet, bend at the hips, and see where the golf club lands.  If it is behind the ball, you are the right distance.

Now that you know how close should I stand to the golf ball, learn why you are only slicing your driver!


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